Friday, January 30, 2009

Who Would Ever Think

that making crocheted buttons could take so long? I figured half an hour, an hour at the most, but noooo, 4 hours from start to finish. I made 5 crocheted buttons, sewed around the buttonholes on a sweater, and sewed on the buttons. It's 4 hours later and I've finished AND taken pictures.

The buttons look good, but were they worth 4 hours? I'd already spent several hours and miles of driving looking for the perfect buttons. I looked in Ohio and in Florida and finally gave up the hunt. So, I've spent about a dozen hours total on these darned buttons.

This is the Provence sweater from Ella Rae Book Seven, knit for Younger Darling Daughter. It's knit of Ella Rae Silkience, a cotton/modal (what is modal?)/silk/rayon blend with a band gauge of 21st/24rows/4 inches. I loved knitting with the yarn and the finished sweater is quite pretty. In person, it's more cranberry or ruby red looking with a much more saturated color. The pictures look sort of washed out. Oh, well. I'll soon be making this sweater again in a bright blue/green for Elder Darling Daughter.

I was supposed to get to the gym this morning after finishing up the sweater. Is that going to happen? The jury's still out. I'm still doing the Mount Everest of laundry, I need to wrap birthday presents for Younger Darling Daughter including this sweater, get to the post office and mail said presents, pick up a pattern I ordered from the local quilt shop for a bag for Elder Darling Daughter, and return a pair of expensive shoes that fell apart after three brief wearings.
On the "Who Would Ever Think" theme. Who would ever think calorie counts could be wrong? I wanted some toast, pulled a loaf of bread from the freezer, and read the calorie count - 140 calories a slice - GOOD GRIEF!!! The label said there were 16 in the loaf. Being in total disbelief, I counted the slices - there were 27, not 16. Getting out my trusty calculator, I discovered that it worked out to 87 calories per slice so I had two and rewarded my efforts with a 60 calorie slice of cheese melted on the toast. Mmmmm - grilled cheese sandwich.
Back to Mt. Everest!

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