Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's NOT a miracle - it's YOU!

It's that old Pennsylvania German will power that is keeping you on the straight and narrow! I have to admit, I baked dessert for a potluck dinner on friday and a superbowl potluck on Sunday, and utilized - gasp - one whole pkg. of unsweetened chocolate, a bag each of dark chocolate chocolate chips, mil chocolate chips, white chocolate chips and a half a tin of cocoa, not to mention a half a cow's worth of butter and cream. However, I will not be doingthat again until at least next year, I hope. I have been sneaking bits of the Ben and Jerry's HotFudge sauce - recipe is online, google it, but my glycemic index guide says cocoa, butter, and sugar have insignificant carbs. Hallelujiah! I'm really starting to get into looking everything up in the guide and trying to keep away from the high GI stuff. It's not as bad as I thought. I've been trying to do the shakes for breakfast and the Transitions meals ( 5 bean and the lentil+beef are my faves) for lunch. Of course, dinner with hub has to be more substantial, but I just try to give him twice as much food as I get. I'm down to an even 160 lb. Thank goodness we have a balance beam scale in our gym, as I'm used to the kind of scale where if I give a good jump onto it, I'm 5 pounds lighter than I was the day before. Of course, now that I'm letting my hair grow, that's a ton of weight right there! I have joined, thanks to Bonnie's networking abilities on ravelry, a great group of knitters here in florida. They all knit with great yarns - no plastic crapola, and are all interested in new books, yarns, patterns and techniques. Some are yar rounders and some of us are snowbirds. it's very much fun. Thanks Bon! Your red sweater is beautious! I've finished my blue Silkience top and will add a photo hen I finally learn how. I'm off to the MarketAmerica ( parent ofthe Transitions program among others)convention in Miami on friday and Saturday. I will keep you posted of any new dieting tips. As for now, keep trying to get to the gym, and enjoy the coninued shrinkage. Every little bit adds up!

1 comment:

  1. Great minds think alike - the lentil and five bean are my favs, too.
