Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I love Ravelry

I've been a member of Ravelry for a couple years. I thought I'd use this opportunity to give a shout out to all those I know and love through Ravelry. It hasn't helped me with my diet, but it's helped me to become a better knitter, to have some amazing discussions, and to find groups that have become comfortable places.

This past American Idol season, I joined a group of AI lovers, and for the most part we've had a blast. And the fun has continued past the season. We've had drama and snark and the occasional misfit crazy person stopping in to sprinkle woecakes, but that's the way of the world.

The diet is failing miserably. The knitting and crocheting are succeeding brilliantly, and my Transister and I have gotten so caught up in it all that we've started a business, Stitch Sisterz. We're having our first sale at Knitters Connection, a fiber event next week in Columbus, Ohio. After that, we're going to stock our online store at Artfire with Have-Price yarns.

I know that some people moderate comments on their BLOGS. Just so you all know, I've never felt the need to block an opposing viewpoint. Comment away!