Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Getting ready to shrink

My dear sister, EllenM, gave me the entire Transitions program for my birthday, and we agreed that we'd start our diets on January 1st. I think she's worried that I'm getting unhealthier and unhealthier as I slowly grow in width. I may be fatter than her, but I'm younger - so there!

After much searching through my piles and piles of knitting books and patterns, cooking magazines (just what I don't need), and general junque, I finally rediscovered my Blubber Bible, the Transitions Daily Journal. I need to get mentally prepared for the challenge and make the commitment which, according to The Blubber Bible, is:

"I, BonnieR, promise to read the entire Transitions Daily Journal and put forth my best efforts to follow all components of the Transitions Lifestyle System. My date for starting the program to become healthier and leaner is January 1st, 2009."

Now, I'm supposed to toss every bit of crap food in the house and think about myself at my goal, a mental image of the blubberless BonnieR. Woo-hoo!

Other things to do to get ready:
  1. Write down why it is so important for me to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. - I'm too fat. I want to wear cute clothing in single digit sizes. I'm getting old and I want to get older instead of dead.
  2. Make a list of all the challenges I may face and how I will overcome them. - I love to eat so I'll get rid of the crap foods. I eat whenever I have the opportunity so I'll knit more and eat less. I like fatty foods and sweet things so I just won't have them in the house.
  3. Set goals - I will get my lard to the gym at least three times a week for an hour. I will lose weight every week by following the Transitions Program until I reach my goal of somewhere between 125 and 130 pounds which is 10 pounds more than I weighed when I got married (a long time ago).
  4. Chart my progress - This is one of the reasons we've started Transisterz. I'll post photos and give progress reports on weight loss and on my knitting, too.
  5. Behavior modification - Needs much work! I am open to suggestions.

The first three weeks are going to be the hardest as I work on relearning and establishing new and healthier eating habits. I need to study and learn more about the glycemic index of foods. The Transitions plan focuses on low glycemic index foods. Hopefully, this will keep me from being a diet grouch.

Here's the starting point of my progress - bleeech! The best part of this picture is my new set of Addi click needles.

And knitting updates - two vests in Noro Taiyo finished for my daughters. Oh, if only I could fit one of these!

EllenM - how are you doing? Getting ready?

Transisterz Lives

We are Ellen and Bonnie, two sisters who have vowed to lose weight in 2009 using the Transitions program from Market America. We've also vowed to knit as much as we can. January 1, 2009, will be day one in our quest to become svelte. We're already knitting like crazy women.